Flora of Derbyshire

The Flora of Derbyshire - Checklist, Maps and Sample Accounts


Hemp-agrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum) on rough ground near Derby Cathedral. SK3536 Spring Cinquefoil (Potentilla neumanniana) Tansley Dale SK1774

The site was originally built and hosted by Derby CIty Council. This is a maintained copy of the original site and has limited functionality.

This website contains information on over 1,700 species of plant growing wild across Derby and Derbyshire today. It covers flowering plants, trees, conifers, ferns and horsetails - all the so-called "vascular plants".

You can use this website to find out more about them.

Search facilities let you:

  • Find the names of all Derbyshire's wild plants and see when they were last found
  • View a distribution map to show where species have been recorded
  • Read sample species accounts
  • check species statistics.

Accounts have been written for every species, most are still in draft form. Follow this link for further details: Species account coverage.

The information presented here is based on nearly ¾ million records going back 300 years, compiled by the Derbyshire Flora Group. This is a partnership between Derby Museum, the University of Derby, the Botanical Society of the British Isles and numerous local botanists and volunteers.

Follow the links on this page for more information on the Flora of Derbyshire Project or for more information on the Flora of Derbyshire project.

Flora of Derbyshire

Maintained by Kevin S. Hutchby