Flora of Derbyshire

The Flora of Derbyshire - Checklist, Maps and Sample Accounts

Contacts and feedback

Hoary Mullein (Verbascum pulverulentum) at Lathkill Dale. SK1666. An attractive and recently established species which is locally abundant in the upper reaches of this dale

Your feedback on how easily you have navigated through this site will help us make it better. Knowing how you have used the information will give us an insight into its usefulness.

We also welcome feedback from users with experience of Derbyshire's plants who may wish to add to our understanding of their distribution, query individual map records or comment on the accounts.

Dr Alan Willmot is BSBI Plant Recorder for Derbyshire and has recently retired as a lecturer in Biological Sciences at the University of Derbyshire.

Nick Moyes is Keeper of Natural Sciences at Derby Museum & Art Gallery and runs their biological records database.

Please email us at floraofderbyshire@gmail.com

Flora of Derbyshire

Maintained by Kevin S. Hutchby